Easter PowerPoint
April 1, 2018
April 7, 2018
Easter PowerPoint
April 1, 2018
April 7, 2018
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Devotions for Sunday


Tuesday Night:

Read John 2: 23 – john 3:1 – 3

Why would Jesus not commit himself to them in chapter 2

What did Jesus know about men?

WHo was NIcodemus, how many different titles do you pick out describing his life.

In verse 2, what did he call Jesus?

What was the answer of Jesus in verse 3? Make a note this is the theme or thesis of this entire chapter.

Wednesday Night

Read John 3: 4 – 12

What is Nicodemus’ question in v 4?

What are the two agents of the spiritual birth Jesus speaks about in v 5.

What does Jesus mean by the water? Compare with I Peter 1:23 and the parables of the sower.

Jesus is not talking about a flesh or natural birth but what type of birth?

Thursday night:

Read John 3: 13 – 16

In verse 13 Jesus says he is the only one that has done what?

V 14 go read Numbers 21 and focus on v 9. What happened in that O.T, account? How does that apply to Jesus – make a connection to the people of Numbers 21 and the snake on a pole with Jesus and us. If we have been born again, we can say the curse of ……… has been taken on by Christ and the disease of sin in our heart has been ……….? This is the gospel message.

V 15 – 16 – If the gospel is given in v 14, then to be born again means that the individual must simply do what with it.

Believeth means the present tense believe. Believe means to trust and commit. How can I know that I have been born again. This is very important because too many today say, “I hope so, I think so, well I am doing my best!” Jesus says all one has to do is what?

For Friday Night

Read John 3: 17 – 19

V 17 – What does it mean when it says Condemned (as far as right now, and the future?)

Only through Jesus we can be what?

V 18 To not be condemned one must do what?

V 19 What is the great tragedy of mans nature, they have a love for what?

Read II Corinthians 5:17

One must be in who?

What does it mean to be a new Creation – old things and all things?