Stay on mission
October 8, 2017
October 14, 2017
Stay on mission
October 8, 2017
October 14, 2017

Tuesday Acts 10:1-8 1. Cornelius was a Gentile, what does this mean? Give two other statements concerning him mainly his occupation and morally. What does this say about the need for all men no matter how moral they are?
Wednesday Acts 10: 8 – 16 1. What was Peter doing, where was he, and when he got hungry what happened to him? 2. Describe the vision in your own words and why did God use this description of the animals – “fourfooted beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air?”
3. How many times did God have to give Peter the message about clean and unclean?
Thursday Acts 10: 16 – 23 1. Who came to see Peter and what did they want? 2. Research if needed what the view of the Jewish people where to the Gentiles (Cornelius and animals of the vision), even the Church and Peter and decide how the vision was instructing Peter to go with them. 3. How can we relate that to our generation and the people we come in contact with?
Friday Acts 10: 24 – 43 – 1. v 28 is a key verse linking the vision of God to what Peter was living out. Explain. 2. v 38 – 41,43 Peter delivers the gospel. Read over and identify the which key points of the gospel are shown from (Has come, has lived, died, risen, ascended, return).
Saturday v 44 – 48 1. What happens at Cornelius’ house? 2. This is the first time that the gospel has been extended to a Gentile and the first time we see a Gentile ……………………….? 3. v 47 Peter says what about their baptism? This is important as we follow this tension of Jews and Gentiles in the early church.