Sunday morning PowerPoint and outline
January 7, 2018
Genesis Study
January 13, 2018
Sunday morning PowerPoint and outline
January 7, 2018
Genesis Study
January 13, 2018
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Sermon outline Sunday

Review: What is Faith – it is to ………….., to ………………., and to ……………………

Without faith it is ……………………………….., we must believe that …………. And that………………….

I. Witness:

He was a …………………………..

Billy Graham: “The greatest responsibility of a parent……………………..”

He was a …………………………. Man

He lived during an ………………… generation

He was missed because his faith motivated him to …………….., what does this say to me and my faith??

II. Walked:

How can two walk together unless they……………………….. Pleasing





How does this speak to my life and my faith?

Jesus offers us………………………………………………

How he finished: “Reward for the Righteous”