Sermon Power Point- 11/12
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Sermon Power Point- 11/12
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Devotions part one for week of 13th

Devotions for Week of 11/13
We will now study the parables of Matthew chapter 13. Remember this marks a new division in our study. We have been looking at his life and works, but now we see what will happen after he is rejected and ascends into heaven, while he is in heaven, what takes place concerning the gospel. Using this as an intro, complete the following devotions. 
Monday: Read chapter 13 v 1 – 17 1. In the story, how many different types of soil are represented? How many gave a successful plant and growth of the seed? 3. Look up and define what a parable is. 4. In verse 11, Jesus tells us that parables are designed to reveal what? Compare with Col. 1: 16. 5. Why could the jewish people not hear and see as spoken by the prophets and who were the ones who could understand?
Tuesday: Read Matthew chapter 13 v 18 – 23 Remember we are getting to see what will happen while Jesus has ascended into heaven and we await his 2nd coming to rule and reign in his kingdom on the earth. 1. What does the seed represent? V 19 who takes the seed away in case number 1. 2. Think of a Sunday morning church crowd, who would you describe as this type of soil sitting under the preaching of the gospel. Have you ever been in that condition. 3. V 20 – 21 what is the problem with the soil here? How can you apply that to today’s hearer of the gospel on a sunday morning? 4. V 22 What is wrong with the soil in this example? Who could you relate this to today in the church service? 5. V 23 represents what type of heart by the soil listed? What does it produce?
Wednesday: Read Matthew Chapter 13 : 24 – 30 1. List what you think or who you think the following represent: Field, sower, enemy, tares, reaper and the Harvest. 2. Now read v 36 – 43 (Dont cheat) and see if your answers were correct? 3. If we are waiting for a Harvest that would represent what? Also, what does he allow to grow up together in the time he has ascended into heaven and when he comes to set up his kingdom?